Monday, April 26, 2010

Cast Iron Pans - Mama's Pot Roast

Saturday's homecooking menu was Mama's Pot Roast, Lettuce and Onions from the garden with Carol's Fantastic French Dressing, Sliced Tomatoes with fresh basil, Fresh pineapple and strawberries, Corn from the 2009 garden and Cornbread. This was a really colorful meal which made Mama happy because it was pretty and healthy. Mama always tells us to 'eat something of every color'.

Jay was home from NC State and was going to a wedding Saturday night, so we decided to fix homecooking for late lunch/early supper at 3:30. At the last minute, we called my parents and David's mother - who everyone calls Sister. You can imagine how confusing that is when he introduces her, "This is my mother Sister." But they all came last minute and we had a pleasant afternoon meal and visit.

There are two important things to Mama's pot roast. 1) Get a shoulder roast. They usually don't have these in the meat section for some reason so you have to ask the butcher to cut one for you. They aren't that expensive but they make a huge difference. 2) Brown the roast well on all sides before putting in the oven.

Mama's Pot Roast

3 lb Shoulder Roast
5 potatoes, peeled and quartered
2 large onions, peeled and quartered
5 carrots, peeled and cut into chunks

Liberally salt and pepper shoulder roast. In cast iron pot, brown roast in a tiny bit of vegetable oil. It is really important to brown it well on all sides.

Cover roast with lid and put in 350 degree oven. After 15 minutes or so turn it down to 300 degrees. Cook for two hours. Cook longer if you have a bigger roast. You don't have to add water or other liquid to the pot, but I did anyway. I added about 1/2 can of beef broth so it would steam a little while it cooked.

Add the vegetables and cook for one more hour.

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