Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011 - Nanny's Pecan Pie

There were lots of people coming and going on Easter weekend and lots of cooking and communion going on too. On Saturday afternoon the old rugged cross began it's transformation with Sally T, then many Roaches, Albrittons, Saleebys, Sister, Corns, Hunts, Roysters, a McCullen and a Byron. There may have been others because the cross kept on transforming through Easter Sunday morning. Last Easter there were primarily camellias and azaleas in the cross but with Easter later this year, there were more iris and knock out rose blooms. But every year the cross transforms and it is always a joy.

We had a crowd for dinner at our house Saturday night and David used two grills - ribs in the big cooker and chicken over charcoal. Boneless chicken thighs were on sale so last minute we picked some up and marinated them the way David has done chicken for years and years - in Zesty Italian Dressing. I can't count how many times we have cooked chicken this way and it is always a hit. He turns the chicken several times over the charcoal fire and every piece winds up really moist and tasty.

We had corn from last years garden, beans, potato salad, tossed salad with Fantastic French Dressing and sliced tomatoes with olive oil and fresh basil from the garden. I made Sour Cream Pound Cake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream and neighbor Marge sent over a pecan pie. I don't have Marge's pie recipe but it tastes a lot like Nanny's Pecan Pie. Marge decorated the top of her pie with whole pecans while Nanny always chopped all the pecans but either way it is a great tasting pie.

The Easter Cross tradition at our house began because we enjoyed participating in the one at Shelby Presbyterian Church. This year First Baptist Church, Central Methodist and Shelby Presbyterian held a combined Sunrise service in the courtyard at the Shelby Presbyterian Cross. We love a Sunrise Service and so early Easter Sunday morning, we headed out dressed in comfy clothes, with our coffee and folding chairs. We put iris and knock out roses in the Shelby Presyterian cross. I added three sprigs of rosemary - "for remembrance" like Ophelia said.

As we entered the courtyard we were given a candle to light. Everyone sat quietly in the grassy courtyard holding their lighted candles. It was peaceful waiting for the service to start when suddenly the sprinkler system came on! Everyone cracked up and it was even funnier when the Methodist and Presbyterian preachers joked that the Baptists found a way to Baptize everybody!

But it was a great service and we were glad to be a part of it.

When we got home from the sunrise service, Turner Classic Movies was showing the end of Easter Parade with Judy Garland and Fred Astaire. I helped Judy Garland sing the title song and was proud that I remembered every single word. I couldn't help but laugh remembering Lattimore Easters years ago when all five Hunt girls, in Easter clothes that Mama made, would parade around the house and sing. "...on the avenue, 5th avenue..."

The rest of the family went to the 11:00 service and then we all met at Sister's for a picnic style lunch. Everybody brought something and it was all delicious and fun to be together. The newest family members, Mary Katherine and Maggie, were darling in their pretty, little Easter dresses, picking up eggs and playing with bunnies. Gigi (Lynn) literally hopped in with an easter surprise for the two little girls. David and I enjoyed watching the one year olds and as he pointed out it was pretty entertaining to watch the grown ups too.

We missed the ones who weren't with us, but it was a great family weekend. By Sunday afternoon, everybody needed to get back home until the next time.

And we all know there will be a next time.

Nanny's Pecan Pie
(from Libby's handwritten copy)

1 cup pecans, chopped
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup (Red Label) Karo All Purpose syrup
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 pinch salt
3 eggs (or 4 if they are small)
About 1 tsp flour

Mix everything together well and pour in unbaked pie shell. Bake at 300 degrees until the crust begins to brown and then 200 degrees until done.

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